Frequently Asked Question

Q1. How to register as a volunteer in your association?

A: If wish to be registered as our volunteer, please contact our head of volunteer unit Mr. Yeoh (019-333 3477) to get a volunteer registration form.

Q2. If I wish to make a donation, how do I do?

A: If you wish to make a donation, please contact our head of solicitation unit Mr. Lim (013-913 9319) to arrange the donation. Thank you.

Q3. How to become the food recipient? Is there any requirement?

A: To become the food recipient, you can get the registration form from our center kitchen and distribution station, or you can contact our head of home visit unit Ms. Chew (016-229 5749). The applicant must have a recommended person. Applicant must fulfill below requirement:
1) Applicant hold a government welfare department status; 2) Disabled Person (OKU); 3) Person who suffers from critical illness; 4) Alone elderly.

Q4. Is it Love and Care Meal serving everyday?

A: Love and Care meal are serving 7 days per week, 3 meals per day.